Friday, December 2, 2016

Thlog #3 : WP2 Reflect

    I'll admit that this past writing project and its build was a much smoother sail. I felt like WP1 was very difficult trying to find two different types of genres within the same topic, then trying to figure out all the different ways they can be read. WP2 was so much more simple. We simply had to choose whichever topic we wanted and look at two opposite arguments from two people from different disciplinary perspectives. The PB's leading up to WP2 were fairly easier as well. PB2A asked the class to simply spot "moves" of different writers, whether looking at course readings, news articles, scholarly articles, etc. Using the handout "They Say, I Say," that task was very easy. Using that template it made finding moves like, "Capturing Authorial Action," "Introducing Quotes," and "Explaining Quotations" so much easier to spot out in writing.                                                                                                                                                                                 As for the actual paper itself, it certainly has its flaws like most other papers I've written, but I personally feel that it was a complete success and I'm satisfied with the high grade it recieved, which was higher than my WP1 grade. I felt that I made a strong argument about the arguments I was analyzing. I was able to spot moves from Anne Atkins and Arline Kaplan, from the Social and Hard/Natural Sciences respectively. I felt that I could have structured the paper better. I had misplaced key elements in my argument, which made it seem that my thoughts were bouncing around. Overall I was confident that I had a strong argument, and for the most part followed that argument all the way through, leading to a strong Writing Project, and apparently Z(along with some strong criticism) thought so as well.

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